To check my theory about the connection between personality and cycling style, I have just conducted a little control test. 为了检验我这个性格与骑车风格息息相关的理论,我刚刚做了一个小小的受控实验。
Application of asthma control test to children and its evaluation 儿童哮喘控制测试及其临床应用价值
Study and control test were conducted on its biological characteristic by adopting site-fixed observation, and method of painting dry with plastic wrapping. 采用定点观察法对其生物学习性进行了研究,并采用涂干包膜法进行了防治试验。
Analyze quality control test results and provide feedback and interpretation to production management or staff. 分析其质量控制测试结果,提供汇报和翻译文件给生产管理者和员工。
As modern auditing depends on internal control and control test. 现代审计倚重内部控制及控制测试。
Membrane Filtration Method in Bacteric Control Test on Cefuroxime Axetil Tablets 薄膜过滤法在头孢呋辛酯片控制菌检查中的应用
In the construction of the centralized control station, the traditional remote control test method is hard to comply with the requirement of construction schedule. 在集控站建设中,传统的遥控试验方法难以满足建设工期的要求。
Remote control test for fire pump and emergency fire pump. 消防泵、急消防泵遥控操作试验。
The Design of Automobile EPS and Suspension Integrated Control Test Bench 汽车EPS与悬架集成控制试验台设计
Vortex-induced vibration of a suspension bridge with central-slotted box section and its control test study 桥面中央开口悬索桥涡激共振与制涡试验研究
Bulletin of Reagent Control Test on Grape Downy Mildew and Powdery Mildew 有机卤化锌试剂合成白藜芦醇的研究葡萄霜霉病·白粉病药剂防治试验简报
Application of bronchial asthma control test in the management of asthmatic patients ACT在基层医院支气管哮喘管理中的应用
Study on Thermodynamic Control Test System Based on Virtual DPU 基于虚拟DPU的热工控制实验系统研究
Each test also includes a positive and negative control test to allow you to test for any shipping related damage to the test. 每条试剂还包含一个质量控制检测条(阴性和阳性),用来检测试剂条是否在运输途中损坏。
Evaluation of Chinese papers on clinical random control test for Chinese herbal drugs used in treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease 中药治疗胃食管反流病临床随机对照试验的中文文献评价
Finally, a truck-trailer system which has unstable and nonlinear with time varying parameter is applied for backing-up control test. 最后,对不稳定又非线性且具有时变参数之卡车拖车系统,作倒车控制试验。
Objective: Control test results on the accuracy and reliability of the main impact factors. 目的:对影响检测结果准确性和可靠性主要因素的进行控制。
Objective To investigate mosquito species and develop control test at Taonan grasslands in Jilin province. 目的调查吉林洮南草原蚊虫种群,开展现场蚊虫防治试验研究。
The easy JTAG is introduced to control Test Access Port ( TAP) by computer parallel port. 采用简易JTAG接口,通过计算机并口控制测试访问端口。
But it brings a problem that there are a lot of test instruments and need a test management platform to unify them and control test flow. 由此带来的问题是测试资源杂多,需要一个统一的测试管理平台,对测试资源和测试流程做统一的测试管理。
Objective To explore the feasibility of applying asthma control test ( ACT) in China. 目的探讨哮喘控制测试表在中国应用的可行性。
A control test with a new water soluble preservative TWP was carried out and the results were as follows: ( 1) retention of TWP preservative in wood at 1.0 kg/ m3 can eradicate its egg-larvae up to 100%; 用新的水溶性木材防腐剂TWP进行防治试验的结果:①TWP在木材中保持量1.0kg/m~3,初龄幼虫死亡率100%;
The prospecting of uranium ore-deposits obtained by the results of vote of control test is consistent with the geological exploration and geological prediction. 控制试验的投票结果所得出的成矿远景与地质勘探、地质预测是一致的。
The relevant conclusion is verified and substantial data of the model is given out by the control test of braking pressure for the Volvo caliper disc brake. 通过对Volvo盘式制动器制动压力的控制试验,验证了有关的结论,给出了模型的具体数据。
Methods: Drugs were selected with screening test, and were deteced with inhibition of HRP and control test. 方法:先将药物做初筛试验,再对选择出的药物进行酶抑制试验和对照试验。
This article analyzes and introduces the design idea, main technologic parameters, constructions and signals indication of a new hydraulic servo control test devices which have been used for repairing the civil aircraft hydraulic servo control assembly. 重点介绍了民航飞机液压系统伺服控制组件维修所需的液压伺服控制台的系统设计思想、主要技术指标、系统组成和信号标定等内容。
It is acceptable that the Actual Control Test has been partly adopted in China legal practice and its existence is reasonable. 可以认定,在我国实践中已部分地引入了实际控制说这一国籍识别标准,并且这一标准的存在有其合理性。
The Study and Applications of Computer Control Test System of Electrohydraulic Control Unit for Ship Rudder 微机控制船用舵机电液控制单元测试系统的研制及应用
The applied technique for active vibration control test of an actual airplane cabin were presented here and the test result of this active vibration control is good. 阐述了以压电材料作为感受器与作动器进行真实飞机结构振动主动控制的一些应用技术,利用这些技术进行了真实飞机座舱结构的主动振动控制地面试验研究,取得了很好的控制效果。
Systematic Analysis of Random Control Test on Treatment of Chronic Gastritis with Banxia Xiexin Decoction 半夏泻心汤治疗慢性胃炎随机对照试验的系统分析